2021 Golf Outing Recap

And just like that the 28th annual Fellowship Housing Golf Outing is behind us. We gathered for the third year at Makray Memorial Golf Club in Barrington, and although the day started out a bit chilly, once the sun came out it was a perfect day for golf. With 116 golfers, the course was packed! Thirty additional guests joined in for the dinner where Renee and her son, Ryan, shared their story which pulled on the heart strings of everyone in the room. The night ended with a call to action, which was kicked off with a $30,000 matching gift and raised a total of $72,000 catapulting the overall total for the day to $190,000! Wow!

The C.A.R.S. Ministry once again continued their tradition, giving a car to one of our moms. The ongoing partnership between Fellowship Housing and the CARS Ministry of Willow Creek Community Church has made it possible for over 46 moms to get into a safe, affordable vehicle. To read more about the tradition and this year’s recipient, click here.

Special thanks to the incredible sponsors who made the day possible and ensured that every dollar donated goes to work empowering single moms in our community to break the cycles of poverty and build a new legacy. Thank you as well to our volunteers Connie Bowman, Joyce Buetler, Kate Conerty, Jane Drezen, Leslie & Jon Shogren, and Lauren Wiens who made the day run smoothly!

Because of your generosity, we are well on our way of reaching EVERY motivated single mom in our community. Every. Single. One. No one left out. No one left behind. Now including McHenry & DuPage Counties! Because of you, we will be able to offer even more housing options single moms in need. Because of you, lives will be changed and new legacies will be written.

Because of you, we are deeply grateful. Thank you for your generosity and another incredible Golf Outing to empower single moms!

To see all of the event photos, please visit our Facebook 2021 Golf Outing Photo Album.

P.S. Can’t wait for next year? Save the date for September 22nd, 2022 at Makray Memorial Golf Club.

Courtney Burton