“I was a young mother with two young kids living in a house in Roselle. When my husband lost his job, he freaked out and left us with no income and a ton of debt. He never came back. I lost the house, and for a year, lived in spare bedrooms at friends' houses. I had a part-time job but with moving all the time, every day was a struggle just to keep food on the table. The creditors followed me everywhere, but as much as I wanted to pay them, I had no money. I felt like a criminal and a failure, but I was still a mom. None of this was my kids' fault. Then I found Fellowship Housing through a local church. With a safe place to live and counselors to help me work through my bills, I found I could work and take care of my kids and go to school. After two years, my credit history was clean, I had money in the bank and was able to move into my own home again. My kids say those two years were the best time of their lives. Thank you, Fellowship Housing for a hand up and not a hand-out.”