October 8th Graduation

On Friday, October 8th, the families of Fellowship Housing along with a few Property Investor Partners and Board Members gathered together in person to celebrate four tenacious moms who recently graduated. It was the first in person graduation since October 2019 and it was wonderful to be back together!

Willow Creek Community Church and the CARE Center graciously opened their doors to host the Graduation in The Link for 42 guests. Childcare was lovingly provided for the moms by volunteers including Alex & Hannah Klaas, Jake Orr, Caleb Orr, Maddie, JJ Martinez, and Allison Chrastka. Jeff Kreye photographed the evening and provided a family photo opportunity for all of the moms and their children. Garibaldi's generously provided pizza for all the kids to enjoy.

Our 2021 graduates so far have increased their credit scores on average by 132 points, saved an average of $30,000, and paid off an average of $22,000. All of our graduates from 2021 have utilized debt retirement. One of our recent graduates shared that she didn’t recognize the woman she was when she came into Fellowship Housing and now she feels like she is the independent and confident woman she once was.

Courtney Burton