Sarah's Story | A Heartwarming Valentine's Day Tradition

Sarah, a Fellowship Housing graduate, has been taking time each February for the last decade to remind Fellowship Housing moms they are cared for and worthy of love. A victim of domestic violence herself, Sarah shared, “I do it because when I was married I was getting more severe injuries on holidays. I thought it was a coincidence but I later learned that it is very common because of the heightened emotions around holidays. I was very excited for my first Valentine’s Day alone because I was able to buy myself some flowers. I always loved flowers and the pink and red Valentine’s colors. After a few years of taking care of myself I wanted to buy some for [others], because it sucks to be in that situation and thinking about all of the horrible things that were done to you. It makes you feel so low-down and worthless, so I wanted to make them feel valued.”

Sarah started her Valentine’s project in 2010, only able to afford a few flowers per mom at first. With a goal the next year to give each one a dozen roses, she decided to recruit some friends to help. “People were sharing it to their friends [on social media] and I got so many donations I had to scramble and find more shelters to give flowers to. Businesses were contacting me and everything.”

This year, gift bags and cards to accompany the flowers were assembled by Sarah’s church, Harvest Community Church in Hoffman Estates, with funding coming mostly from a 2020 Bears donation, church friends and a few others in the community. Sarah’s Valentine’s project now serves 10 different housing assistance and emergency shelters across Chicago and the suburbs, including Fellowship Housing and Wings (the two places she personally received assistance), providing 200 dozen roses each year to 200 women.

Sarah now also serves Valentine’s dinners at three different shelters - one on the south side, one on the west side, and one in the suburbs - catering Popeyes because that is the residents’ most requested food. They set out red tablecloths, chocolate covered strawberries and have balloons everywhere. Sarah says, “It is my favorite thing in the world.”

We asked Sarah how people can *get involved in this special project and she said, “People can donate if they want to but I would first like to encourage people to find a way to redeem their own pain in their own communities. If everyone does that it would be much better for the world than if everyone just donated to my project. Of course, we do need money to function so if people donate it is tax deductible and I am incredibly grateful.”

One businesses that has been increasing its partnership with Fellowship Housing over the last couple of years is Tate & Lyle. Most recently, they decided to show our moms some love on Valentine's Day, adding gift bags full of self-care goodies and notes of encouragement to the flowers and gift bags provided by Fellowship Housing graduate, Sarah.

Several Fellowship Housing moms reached out to let Sarah and Tate & Lyle know just how much her kindness meant. Here’s what they had to say:

“Hi! Thanks to everyone for the V-day flowers and goodies. I've never received flowers until Fellowship Housing. And it honestly makes me feel good. So a million thanks!!!”

“Thank you for my Valentine's Day gifts. It's more than I could've imagined.”

“Please give the [Fellowship Housing] graduate who gave us the red roses for Valentine's Day a big virtual hug since it really brightened my day! Valentine’s Day still stings for me as I'm sure it does for the other moms. It was nice to know a complete stranger, though I consider anyone associated with FH family, thought of me.

“I was so impressed with all the goodies each one of us got and the beautiful cards and kind words just melted my heart. I am so blessed and grateful and felt so cared for. I just want you to let them know I loved everything I got and it was a wonderful day.”

 *To get involved or donate to future Valentine Projects, please email our Program Director,

Goodie bags assembled and donated by Tate & Lyle.

Goodie bags assembled and donated by Tate & Lyle.

Program Director, Heather Corins, getting ready to deliver Sarah’s Valentine’s Day Program gifts to the Fellowship Housing moms.

Program Director, Heather Corins, getting ready to deliver Sarah’s Valentine’s Day Program gifts to the Fellowship Housing moms.

A Fellowship Housing mom, excited to receive her Valentine’s Day gifts!

A Fellowship Housing mom, excited to receive her Valentine’s Day gifts!

Courtney Burton