*Gina's Story
At the October Graduation, Gina shared her story. She was in a verbally and physically abusive relationship with the father of her children. After praying for help to get her life back and regain stability, she found Fellowship Housing. In 2017, Gina and her children transitioned into the program and finally began to feel secure again.
Encouraging the moms who are still in the middle of working hard in the program Gina said, "With Fellowship, it's like therapy. There is a lot of reflecting, taking ownership of your actions, and making better decisions. My advice to you is to change your mindset about the budget and follow exactly what it says. It may be hard, but it is worth it... All of the staff at Fellowship are amazing and are truly here to help us with everything. [My Family Advocate] was very understanding, loving and focused. I knew right away that I didn't want to let her or my family down."
With this determined attitude, Gina was able to save over $25,00, pay off over $40,000 in debt and raise her credit score by 150 points. Financially stable, she is moving into a 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom apartment that she will be renting on her own as she continues to save toward buying a home next year. Not only that, but Gina hopes one day to open her own Fellowship Housing in an urban community.
Thank you for being a part of Gina's journey through your support of Fellowship Housing!