Now Accepting 2022 Gala Wine Pull Donations


Are you planning to have a holiday party this year?  Any chance you’ll be at the grocery store in the next few weeks?  Yes? Well, these are perfect opportunities to help us gather wine for our annual wine pull! …

Every year, the Gala is a highlight for the Fellowship Housing community. Back by popular demand, guests can once again look forward to the wine pull, including over 150 bottles of red, white, sparkling and rosé wines, each valued between $15 and $100. Bottles concealed in bags can each be purchased for $25 through the mobile bidding app, and guests must be on-site to participate. 

What will you get? Everyone finds out when the bags are opened in unison – and everyone is a winner! At least one bag contains a bottle with a golden sticker, winning its lucky recipient a bottle of Dom Perignon (in addition to their winning bottle), valued over $150! 

The 2022 Gala will be held Saturday, February 26th at the Chicago Marriott Schaumburg near Streets of Woodfield. To prepare, the Gala Committee and dozens of Fellowship Housing supporters work hard to build a fantastic selection of wines.

How many of these bottles are donated? EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. is donated by generous supporters like you. And the result? Over $4,500 dollars raised to empower at-risk single moms to break the cycle of poverty and build a new legacy for their family… (plus lots of happy Gala guests with great wine!)

Want to contribute? All it takes is $15. Wine pull donations may be brought to the Fellowship Housing offices from November 15th through February 11th during normal business hours. Don’t have time to shop and drop the wine off? We also accept gift cards to Costco, Bevmo, Jewel, etc. and a volunteer will shop for you! 

“I can do more!,” you say… Then share this link on your social media pages, asking friends and family to give you $15 or more to buy wine. You can also procure wine at your holiday parties; simply invite guests to bring a bottle of wine to donate in lieu of a host gift. 

However you choose to contribute, thank you in advance for your generosity!

Courtney Burton