Back to School for Fellowship Housing Kids


In August, Hoffman Estates Community Bank and Walter R. Sundling Junior High School helped the families of Fellowship Housing prepare to head back to school. Pictured here, Fellowship Housing Family Advocate, Paula Martinez, loads up school supplies from Walter R. Sundling Junior High School with the help of their staff and volunteers. Hoffman Estates Community Bank generously provided gift cards for the Fellowship Housing moms and children to purchase the remainder of their needed supplies, setting the Fellowship Housing families up for a great start to the 2021-2022 school year!

As the Fellowship Housing children (and our own) return to school, we're reminded of the importance of stability on educational success for children.

When asked, about the impact, Fellowship Housing Program Director, Heather Corins, LCSW shared, "A study out of University of Michigan in 2018 reports higher rates of chronic absenteeism in students that are homeless and experiencing housing instability making students less likely to meet grade levels standards and more likely to drop out of school. Other studies and reports also link homelessness and housing instability to increase physical and mental health problems."

By continuing to support Fellowship Housing, you're also helping to ensure educational success and mental health for the children of our community!

Click here to learn more.

Courtney Burton