Bethany's Story & Christmas Giving Programs

*Bethany's family came to Fellowship Housing from a shelter during December and, not expecting to receive Christmas gifts since they arrived well into the month. Much to her surprise, they were assigned a Christmas sponsor who went above and beyond when she heard they had just moved in, buying pillows, pots and pans, silverware, plastic plates and bowls as well as a crockpot. When Bethany learned of this, she was at work and shared that she was overwhelmed to the point of tears saying, "Thanks so much for everything you all are doing. We came from a shelter and now my babies are excited to come home and play and they sleep so peaceful and they love the Christmas tree... Thank you so much... From the bottom of my heart. We love u guys."

In all, 25 small groups and families generously sponsored Fellowship Housing moms this Christmas by providing Christmas presents. Due to the moms' limited budgets and spending guidelines they are not able to purchase gifts for their children, making the donations from Christmas sponsors extremely important and appreciated. Thank you to everyone who sponsored a Family! You brought incredible joy to the moms and kids of Fellowship Housing. Check out the cutest video another mom shared from Christmas morning and see for yourself!

We are so thankful to Tate & Lyle for working hard on gathering hats, gloves, and winter boots for the children of Fellowship Housing. These items definitely come in handy over the winter and are much needed. Tate & Lyle also worked on providing welcome baskets to two new moms. This is a great way to welcome new moms into Fellowship Housing and provide them with some of the essentials for their new home.

Thank you to Georgeanna Mehr who donated gift cards to the moms to be able to get a winter coat for themselves this winter. Thank you to The Chapel Lake Zurich for providing coats to our 36 children through Operation Warm.

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Katelyn Mucci's small group generously provided gift bags for the moms containing some self care items like cozy socks, a journal, a drink tumbler and Starbucks gift card, a loofah, bath bomb, and hydrating face mask.

Loving Covers made mug rugs that were given to the moms with a coffee mug, candy cane, hot cocoa bombs and gingerbread house, which was a wonderful treat since we were unable to host our normal Christmas party for the families.

A special thank you to Food for Friends for providing Blue Bag Christmas meals on December 19th. Meals were distributed this year via curbside pick-up in lieu of the Christmas party meal, which they have provided for the past several years. Each contained a frozen turkey, canned goods, Mac n cheese, boxed mashed potatoes, granola bars, fruit cups, hot chocolate and corn bread mix. We are incredibly grateful for your ongoing care for Fellowship Housing families.

We are also thankful to all the individuals that purchased items on our Target and Amazon registry for the moms to have household items and Christmas decorations.

Thank you for your continued generosity and giving. Without your support we would not be able to serve the moms and their children the way we do. Every year I am blown away by how caring and thoughtful you are in your giving. I was able to witness a couple groups donate gifts and pray over the gifts and the family that would be receiving them. We are so thankful that we have so many people praying for our moms, for their children and for their health and safety.

We continue to have new moms moving into their Fellowship Housing apartments and will continue to have needs to get the moms settled in their homes. Please continue to check our newsletter and Amazon Wish List for current items needed. We currently have a need for two TV's, a twin and queen size mattress w/ frame, a dining room table and chairs. If you have these items to donate please contact

Heather Corins, LCSW
Program Director

*Name changed to protect family privacy.

Courtney Burton