Kim’s Story
*Photo and name changed in the interest of privacy
Before I came to Fellowship Housing I was trying to get my life back together after having made so many bad choices and mistakes. When I found this group I was so excited that I’d have a place to live and people who would be willing to help me get my life back in order and in the right direction. I just wanted to be able to support my family and live like the rest of my friends – being debt-free and paying my bills on time. I knew it would be a lot of hard work on my part – but was willing to go through what I had to in order for it to make a difference in my life. I had that desire to get my finances in order and reduce or eliminate my debt – but din’t have the know hows in accomplishing it nor the accountability to get it done.
During my time here in the program I have had many ups and downs. Staying within my budget was the biggest struggle and still is. Trying to get out of those habits of just spending – and instead saving my money. I’ve never really had any goals for my life. Just wanted to survive day to day and take care of my kids to give them some kind f a future. But now I’ve had some counsel in really doing some soul searching in finding out what I want to make of my life and where I want to go with it. Fellowship Housing has given me and inward strength that has given me hope that I can make it in this life filled with stresses and disappointments. And that even I can accomplish my goals and live my life happy and having that “financial freedom.”
I am over half way through the program now and looking back can see how far I’ve come. I have a long way to go, but always know that there is love and support for me here when I need it. Some of my goals for this year are to really push myself in the “savings” area. To stay within my budget knowing that in the long run it will all pay off! Many of the meetings have been so helpful to me, things that I’ve just never been taught before regarding our money/resumes/credit reports. There are so many advantages in being here and I”m so thankful that I’ve had a part of it all!